EPA Method 2022

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) hereby grants certification in accordance with 567 Iowa Adminisb-ative Code Chapter 83 for TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc., Pensacola in Pensacola, FL, to analyze environmental samples for the following programs: Clean Water Act (CWA (WW)) I Underground Storage Tank (UST) I Solid Waste and Contaminated Sites (SW/CS). Specific analytes and methods certified are contained on the attachments to this letter.

This letter of certification supersedes any prior certification issued by the IDNR. Changes from your prior certification, if any, are listed in the CHANGES FROM PRIOR CERTIFICATE section of this document. This letter and all attachments should be reviewed upon receipt to verify tl1at the information is accurate. If problems are noted, IDNR should be contacted in writing within 15 calendar days to request any corrections. A copy of this certification letter and attachments should be provided to all lab01-atory personnel and must be avai1able for inspection at the laboratory location.

It is suggested that you retain copies of prior certifications for record purposes. An embossed Certificate is issued only once in each certification period. If provided, it is intended for display purposes and does not in itself convey certification for analytes. methods, or personnel other than those approved by this or subsequent letters of certification.


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