DOE Method Ra-04-RC

DOE Method Ra-04-RC

 In the FIA-CL hyphenated method, a wide COD concentration of 4–4000 mg L− 1 with detection limit of 2 mg L− 1 was observed which took only 1.5 min for complete analysis. Cation ion-exchange column was adopted on the sampling system to remove the interference of excess MnO4 with the luminol CL system.26 However, the oxidation efficiency observed by this method was very low. To solve this shortcoming, a flow injection-microwave solid phase extraction (FI-MW-SPE) methodology was adopted in which COD of the sample was determined by ICP-OES.31 High throughput of 18 h− 1 and detection limit of 0.94 mg L− 1 were obtained in linear range of 2.78–850 mg L− 1.

A systematic representation of the instrumentation set up for FIA based ICP-OES system has been clearly shown in Fig. 4. Using this method, no chloride interference was observed below 3000 mg L− 1. However, the method involved K2Cr2O7 as oxidizing agent and thus the problem of environmental pollution existed. To overcome this, a FIA method based on microwave digestion was employed where manganese was employed as oxidant in place of K2Cr2O7.32


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