EPA Method 2064
Nearly all IMPROVE sites (Class I areas) are below the “default” adjusted glidepath in 2028 ◦ Eight IMPROVE sites remain above the adjusted glidepath } The modeled glidepath adjustments range from 1.5 to 7 deciviews ◦ The largest adjustments are at IMPROVE sites near the Canada and Mexico borders ◦ Prescribed fire impacts can be included in the adjustment, but are more uncertain } Updated 2028 Modeling Technical Support Document:
https://www3.epa.gov/ttn/scram/reports/Updated_2028_Regional_Haze_ModelingTSD-2019.pdf) ◦ 2028 unadjusted and adjusted glidepath projections for Class I areas ◦ International anthropogenic and prescribed fire contribution estimates ◦ 2028 national sector-based contributions 22 national emissions sectors
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