EPA Methods m 107a
The information in this document was developed through a collaboration between the U.S. EPA (Subsurface Protection and Remediation Division, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Center, Ada, Oklahoma [SPRD]) and the U.S. Air Force (U.S. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence, Brooks Air Force Base, Texas [AFCEE]). EPA staff were primarily responsible for development of the conceptual framework for the approach presented in this document; staff of the U.S. Air Force and their contractors also provided substantive input.
The U.S. Air Force was primarily responsible for field testing the approach presented in this document. Through a contract with Parsons Engineering Science, Inc., the U.S. Air Force applied the approach at chlorinated solvent plumes at a number of U.S. Air Force Bases. EPA staff conducted field sampling and analysis with support from ManTech Environmental Research Services Corp., the in-house analytical support contractor for SPRD.
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