EPA Methods m 05a
These methods for measuring ambient concentrations of specified air pollutants have been designated as"reference methods" or "equivalent methods" in accordance with Title 40, Part 53 of the Code of Federal Regulations(40 CFR Part 53). Subject to any limitations (e.g., operating range or temperature range) specified in the applicabledesignation, each method is acceptable for use in state or local air quality surveillance systems under 40 CFR Part 58unless the applicable designation is subsequently canceled. Automated methods for pollutants other than PM
areacceptable for use only at shelter temperatures between 20°C and 30°C and line voltages between 105 and 125 voltsunless wider limits are specified in the method description.Prospective users of the methods listed should note (1) that each method must be used in strict accordance withits associated operation or instruction manual and with applicable quality assurance procedures, and (2) that modificationof a method by its vendor or user may cause the pertinent designation to be inapplicable to the method as modified. (SeeSection 2.8 of Appendix C, 40 CFR Part 58 for approval of modifications to any of these methods by users.)Further information concerning particular designations may be found in the
Federal Register
notice cited foreach method or by writing to the National Exposure Research Laboratory, Human Exposure and Atmospheric SciencesDivision (MD-D205-03), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711.Technical information concerning the methods should be obtained by contacting the source listed for each method.Source addresses are listed at the end of the listing of methods, except for the addresses for lead method sources, whichare given with the method. New analyzers or PM
samplers sold as reference or equivalent methods must carry a labelor sticker identifying them as designated methods. For analyzers or PM
or samplers sold prior to the designation of amethod with the same or similar model number, the model number does not necessarily identify an analyzer or sampleras a designated method. Consult the manufacturer or seller to determine if a previously sold analyzer or sampler can beconsidered a designated method or if it can be upgraded to designation status. Analyzer users who experienceoperational or other difficulties with a designated analyzer or sampler and are unable to resolve the problem directlywith the instrument manufacturer may contact EPA (preferably in writing) at the above address for assistance.This list will be revised as necessary to reflect any new designations or any cancellation of a designationcurrently in effect. The most current revision of the list will be available for inspection at EPA's Regional Offices, andcopies may be obtained at the Internet site identified above or by writing to the National Exposure Research Laboratoryat the address specified above.
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