Laboratory Terms

A-Scale Sound LevelA measurement of sound approximating the sensitivity of the human ear, used t...
Find the meaning of the term: A-Scale Sound Level...

Abandoned WellA well whose use has been permanently discontinued or which is in a state of ...
Find the meaning of the term: Abandoned Well...

AbatementReducing the degree or intensity of, or eliminating, pollution.
Find the meaning of the term: Abatement...

Abatement DebrisWaste from remediation activities.
Find the meaning of the term: Abatement Debris...

Absorbed DoseIn exposure assessment, the amount of a substance that penetrates an exposed ...
Find the meaning of the term: Absorbed Dose...

AbsorberAny material that stops ionizing radiation. Lead, concrete, and steel attenua...
Find the meaning of the term: Absorber...

AbsorptionThe process of taking in. The uptake of water, other fluids, or dissolved che...
Find the meaning of the term: Absorption...

Absorption BarrierAny of the exchange sites of the body that permit uptake of various substance...
Find the meaning of the term: Absorption Barrier...

Accident SiteThe location of an unexpected occurrence, failure or loss, either at a plant ...
Find the meaning of the term: Accident Site...

AcclimatizationThe physiological and behavioral adjustments of an organism to changes in its...
Find the meaning of the term: Acclimatization...

AcequiaAcequias were important forms of irrigation in the development of agriculture...
Find the meaning of the term: Acequia...

AcidA corrosive substance with a pH less than 7.
Find the meaning of the term: Acid...

Acid AerosolAcidic liquid or solid particles small enough to become airborne. High concen...
Find the meaning of the term: Acid Aerosol...

Acid DepositionA complex chemical and atmospheric phenomenon that occurs when emissions of s...
Find the meaning of the term: Acid Deposition...

Acid Mine DrainageDrainage of water from areas that have been mined for coal or other mineral o...
Find the meaning of the term: Acid Mine Drainage...

Acid Neutralizing CapacityMeasure of ability of a base (e.g. water or soil) to resist changes in pH.
Find the meaning of the term: Acid Neutralizing Capacity...

AcidicThe condition of water or soil that contains a sufficient amount of acid subs...
Find the meaning of the term: Acidic...

Action Levels1. Regulatory levels recommended by EPA for enforcement by FDA and USDA when ...
Find the meaning of the term: Action Levels...

Activated CarbonA highly adsorbent form of carbon used to remove odors and toxic substances f...
Find the meaning of the term: Activated Carbon...

Activated SludgeProduct that results when primary effluent is mixed with bacteria-laden sludg...
Find the meaning of the term: Activated Sludge...

ActivatorA chemical added to a pesticide to increase its activity.
Find the meaning of the term: Activator...

Active IngredientIn any pesticide product, the component that kills, or otherwise controls, ta...
Find the meaning of the term: Active Ingredient...

Activity PlansWritten procedures in a school's asbestos-management plan that detail the ste...
Find the meaning of the term: Activity Plans...

Acute EffectAn adverse effect on any living organism which results in severe symptoms tha...
Find the meaning of the term: Acute Effect...

Acute ExposureA single exposure to a toxic substance which may result in severe biological ...
Find the meaning of the term: Acute Exposure...

Acute ToxicityThe ability of a substance to cause severe biological harm or death soon afte...
Find the meaning of the term: Acute Toxicity...

AdaptationChanges in an organism's physiological structure or function or habits that a...
Find the meaning of the term: Adaptation...

Add-on Control DeviceAn air pollution control device such as carbon absorber or incinerator that r...
Find the meaning of the term: Add-on Control Device...

Adequately WetAsbestos containing material that is sufficiently mixed or penetrated with li...
Find the meaning of the term: Adequately Wet...

Administered DoseIn exposure assessment, the amount of a substance given to a test subject (hu...
Find the meaning of the term: Administered Dose...

Administrative OrderA legal document signed by EPA directing an individual, business, or other en...
Find the meaning of the term: Administrative Order...

Administrative Order On ConsentA legal agreement signed by EPA and an individual, business, or other entity ...
Find the meaning of the term: Administrative Order On Consent...

Administrative Procedures ActA law that spells out procedures and requirements related to the promulgation...
Find the meaning of the term: Administrative Procedures Act...

Administrative RecordAll documents which EPA considered or relied on in selecting the response act...
Find the meaning of the term: Administrative Record...

AdsorptionRemoval of a pollutant from air or water by collecting the pollutant on the s...
Find the meaning of the term: Adsorption...

AdulterantsChemical impurities or substances that by law do not belong in a food, or pes...
Find the meaning of the term: Adulterants...

Adulterated1. Any pesticide whose strength or purity falls below the quality stated on i...
Find the meaning of the term: Adulterated...

Advanced TreatmentA level of wastewater treatment more stringent than secondary treatment; requ...
Find the meaning of the term: Advanced Treatment...

Advanced Wastewater TreatmentAny treatment of sewage that goes beyond the secondary or biological water tr...
Find the meaning of the term: Advanced Wastewater Treatment...

Adverse Effects DataFIFRA requires a pesticide registrant to submit data to EPA on any studies or...
Find the meaning of the term: Adverse Effects Data...

AdvisoryA non-regulatory document that communicates risk information to those who may...
Find the meaning of the term: Advisory...

Aerated LagoonA holding and/or treatment pond that speeds up the natural process of biologi...
Find the meaning of the term: Aerated Lagoon...

AerationA process which promotes biological degradation of organic matter in water. T...
Find the meaning of the term: Aeration...

Aeration TankA chamber used to inject air into water.
Find the meaning of the term: Aeration Tank...

AerobicLife or processes that require, or are not destroyed by, the presence of oxygen.
Find the meaning of the term: Aerobic...

Aerobic TreatmentProcess by which microbes decompose complex organic compounds in the presence...
Find the meaning of the term: Aerobic Treatment...

Aerosol1. Small droplets or particles suspended in the atmosphere, typically contain...
Find the meaning of the term: Aerosol...

Affected LandfillUnder the Clean Air Act, landfills that meet criteria for capacity, age, and ...
Find the meaning of the term: Affected Landfill...

Affected Public1.The people who live and/or work near a hazardous waste site. 2. The human p...
Find the meaning of the term: Affected Public...

AfterburnerIn incinerator technology, a burner located so that the combustion gases are ...
Find the meaning of the term: Afterburner...

Age TankA tank used to store a chemical solution of known concentration for feed to a...
Find the meaning of the term: Age Tank...

AgentAny physical, chemical, or biological entity that can be harmful to an organi...
Find the meaning of the term: Agent...

Agent OrangeA toxic herbicide and defoliant used in the Vietnam conflict, containing 2,4,...
Find the meaning of the term: Agent Orange...

Agricultural PollutionFarming wastes, including runoff and leaching of pesticides and fertilizers; ...
Find the meaning of the term: Agricultural Pollution...

Agricultural WastePoultry and livestock manure, and residual materials in liquid or solid form ...
Find the meaning of the term: Agricultural Waste...

AgroecosystemLand used for crops, pasture, and livestock; the adjacent uncultivated land t...
Find the meaning of the term: Agroecosystem...

AHERA Designated Person ADPA person designated by a Local Education Agency to ensure that the AHERA requ...
Find the meaning of the term: AHERA Designated Person ADP...

AirThe surface between the vadose zone and ambient oil; the pressure of oil in t...
Find the meaning of the term: Air...

Air BindingSituation where air enters the filter media and harms both the filtration and...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Binding...

Air Changes Per Hour ACHThe movement of a volume of air in a given period of time; if a house has one...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Changes Per Hour ACH...

Air CleaningIndoor-air quality-control strategy to remove various airborne particulates a...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Cleaning...

Air ContaminantAny particulate matter, gas, or combination thereof, other than water vapor.
Find the meaning of the term: Air Contaminant...

Air CurtainA method of containing oil spills. Air bubbling through a perforated pipe cau...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Curtain...

Air Exchange RateThe rate at which outside air replaces indoor air in a given space.
Find the meaning of the term: Air Exchange Rate...

Air GapOpen vertical gap or empty space that separates drinking water supply to be p...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Gap...

Air Handling UnitEquipment that includes a fan or blower, heating and/or cooling coils, regula...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Handling Unit...

Air MassA large volume of air with certain meteorological or polluted characteristics...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Mass...

Air PaddingPumping dry air into a container to assist with the withdrawal of liquid or t...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Padding...

Air PermeabilityPermeability of soil with respect to air. Important to the design of soil-gas...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Permeability...

Air PlenumAny space used to convey air in a building, furnace, or structure. The space ...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Plenum...

Air PollutantAny substance in air that could, in high enough concentration, harm man, othe...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Pollutant...

Air PollutionThe presence of contaminants or pollutant substances in the air that interfer...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Pollution...

Air Pollution Control DeviceMechanism or equipment that cleans emissions generated by a source (e.g. an i...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Pollution Control Device...

Air Pollution EpisodeA period of abnormally high concentration of air pollutants, often due to low...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Pollution Episode...

Air Quality CriteriaThe levels of pollution and lengths of exposure above which adverse health an...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Quality Criteria...

Air Quality StandardsThe level of pollutants prescribed by regulations that are not be exceeded du...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Quality Standards...

Air SpargingInjecting air or oxygen into an aquifer to strip or flush volatile contaminan...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Sparging...

Air StrippingA treatment system that removes volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from contam...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Stripping...

Air ToxicsAny air pollutant for which a national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) d...
Find the meaning of the term: Air Toxics...

Airborne ParticulatesTotal suspended particulate matter found in the atmosphere as solid particles...
Find the meaning of the term: Airborne Particulates...

Airborne ReleaseRelease of any pollutant into the air.
Find the meaning of the term: Airborne Release...

AlachlorA herbicide, marketed under the trade name Lasso, used mainly to control weed...
Find the meaning of the term: Alachlor...

AlarTrade name for daminozide, a pesticide that makes apples redder, firmer, and ...
Find the meaning of the term: Alar...

AldicarbAn insecticide sold under the trade name Temik. It is made from ethyl isocyan...
Find the meaning of the term: Aldicarb...

AlgaeSimple rootless plants that grow in sunlit waters in proportion to the amount...
Find the meaning of the term: Algae...

Algal BloomsSudden spurts of algal growth, which can affect water quality adversely and i...
Find the meaning of the term: Algal Blooms...

AlgicideSubstance or chemical used specifically to kill or control algae.
Find the meaning of the term: Algicide...

AliquotA measured portion of a sample taken for analysis. One or more aliquots make ...
Find the meaning of the term: Aliquot...

AlkalineThe condition of water or soil which contains a sufficient amount of alkali s...
Find the meaning of the term: Alkaline...

AlkalinityThe capacity of bases to neutralize acids. An example is lime added to lakes ...
Find the meaning of the term: Alkalinity...

AllergenA substance that causes an allergic reaction in individuals sensitive to it.
Find the meaning of the term: Allergen...

AlluvialRelating to and/or sand deposited by flowing water.
Find the meaning of the term: Alluvial...

Alternate MethodAny method of sampling and analyzing for an air or water pollutant that is no...
Find the meaning of the term: Alternate Method...

Alternative ComplianceA policy that allows facilities to choose among methods for achieving emissio...
Find the meaning of the term: Alternative Compliance...

Alternative FuelsSubstitutes for traditional liquid, oil-derived motor vehicle fuels like gaso...
Find the meaning of the term: Alternative Fuels...

Alternative Remedial Contract Strategy ContractorsGovernment contractors who provide project management and technical services ...
Find the meaning of the term: Alternative Remedial Contract Strategy Contractors...

Ambient AirAny unconfined portion of the atmosphere
Find the meaning of the term: Ambient Air...

Ambient MeasurementA measurement of the concentration of a substance or pollutant within the imm...
Find the meaning of the term: Ambient Measurement...

Ambient MediumMaterial surrounding or contacting an organism (e.g. outdoor air, indoor air,...
Find the meaning of the term: Ambient Medium...

Ambient TemperatureTemperature of the surrounding air or other medium.
Find the meaning of the term: Ambient Temperature...

Amprometric TitrationA way of measuring concentrations of certain substances in water using an ele...
Find the meaning of the term: Amprometric Titration...

AnaerobicA life or process that occurs in, or is not destroyed by, the absence of oxygen.
Find the meaning of the term: Anaerobic...

Anaerobic DecompositionReduction of the net energy level and change in chemical composition of organ...
Find the meaning of the term: Anaerobic Decomposition...

AnalyteA compound or property that is to be determined and/or analyzed.
Find the meaning of the term: Analyte...

Animal DanderTiny scales of animal skin, a common indoor air pollutant.
Find the meaning of the term: Animal Dander...

Animal StudiesInvestigations using animals as surrogates for humans with the expectation th...
Find the meaning of the term: Animal Studies...

AnisotropyIn hydrology, the conditions under which one or more hydraulic properties of ...
Find the meaning of the term: Anisotropy...

Annular SpaceThe space between two concentric tubes or casings, or between the casing and ...
Find the meaning of the term: Annular Space...

AntagonismInterference or inhibition of the effect of one chemical by the action of ano...
Find the meaning of the term: Antagonism...

Antarctic Ozone HoleRefers to the seasonal depletion of ozone in the upper atmosphere above a lar...
Find the meaning of the term: Antarctic Ozone Hole...

Anti-Degradation ClausePart of federal air quality and water quality requirements prohibiting deteri...
Find the meaning of the term: Anti-Degradation Clause...

Anti-MicrobialAn agent that kills microbes.
Find the meaning of the term: Anti-Microbial...

Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements ARARsAny state or federal statute that pertains to protection of human life and th...
Find the meaning of the term: Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements ARARs...

Applied DoseIn exposure assessment, the amount of a substance in contact with the primary...
Find the meaning of the term: Applied Dose...

AqueousSomething made up of water.
Find the meaning of the term: Aqueous...

Aqueous SolubilityThe maximum concentration of a chemical that will dissolve in pure water at a...
Find the meaning of the term: Aqueous Solubility...

AquiferAn underground geological formation, or group of formations, containing water...
Find the meaning of the term: Aquifer...

Aquifer TestA test to determine hydraulic properties of an aquifer.
Find the meaning of the term: Aquifer Test...

AquitardGeological formation that may contain groundwater but is not capable of trans...
Find the meaning of the term: Aquitard...

Architectural CoatingsCoverings such as paint and roof tar that are used on exteriors of buildings.
Find the meaning of the term: Architectural Coatings...

Area of ReviewIn the UIC program, the area surrounding an injection well that is reviewed d...
Find the meaning of the term: Area of Review...

Area SourceAny source of air pollution that is released over a relatively small area but...
Find the meaning of the term: Area Source...

AromaticsA type of hydrocarbon, such as benzene or toluene, with a specific type of ri...
Find the meaning of the term: Aromatics...

ArsenicalsPesticides containing arsenic.
Find the meaning of the term: Arsenicals...

Artesian Aquifer or WellWater held under pressure in porous rock or soil confined by impermeable geol...
Find the meaning of the term: Artesian Aquifer or Well...

AsbestosA mineral fiber that can pollute air or water and cause cancer or asbestosis ...
Find the meaning of the term: Asbestos...

Asbestos AbatementProcedures to control fiber release from asbestos-containing materials in a b...
Find the meaning of the term: Asbestos Abatement...

Asbestos AssessmentIn the asbestos-in-schools program, the evaluation of the physical condition ...
Find the meaning of the term: Asbestos Assessment...

Asbestos Program ManagerA building owner or designated representative who supervises all aspects of t...
Find the meaning of the term: Asbestos Program Manager...

Asbestos-Containing Waste Materials ACWMMill tailings or any waste that contains commercial asbestos and is generated...
Find the meaning of the term: Asbestos-Containing Waste Materials ACWM...

AsbestosisA disease associated with inhalation of asbestos fibers. The disease makes br...
Find the meaning of the term: Asbestosis...

AshThe mineral content of a product remaining after complete combustion.
Find the meaning of the term: Ash...

AssayA test for a specific chemical, microbe, or effect.
Find the meaning of the term: Assay...

Assessment EndpointIn ecological risk assessment, an explicit expression of the environmental va...
Find the meaning of the term: Assessment Endpoint...

AssimilationThe ability of a body of water to purify itself of pollutants.
Find the meaning of the term: Assimilation...

Assimilative CapacityThe capacity of a natural body of water to receive wastewaters or toxic mater...
Find the meaning of the term: Assimilative Capacity...

Association of Boards of CertificationAn international organization representing boards which certify the operators...
Find the meaning of the term: Association of Boards of Certification...

Attainment AreaAn area considered to have air quality as good as or better than the national...
Find the meaning of the term: Attainment Area...

AttenuationThe process by which a compound is reduced in concentration over time, throug...
Find the meaning of the term: Attenuation...

AttractantA chemical or agent that lures insects or other pests by stimulating their se...
Find the meaning of the term: Attractant...

AttritionWearing or grinding down of a substance by friction. Dust from such processes...
Find the meaning of the term: Attrition...

Availability SessionInformal meeting at a public location where interested citizens can talk with...
Find the meaning of the term: Availability Session...

Available ChlorineA measure of the amount of chlorine available in chlorinated lime, hypochlori...
Find the meaning of the term: Available Chlorine...

Avoided CostThe cost a utility would incur to generate the next increment of electric cap...
Find the meaning of the term: Avoided Cost...