Mine Testing
The mining industry can have a wide variety of effects on the environment. Mining operations may have needs for the following environmental testing services:
- Baseline analyses for environmental impact statements
- Heavy metals bio-uptake in plant and animal tissue
- Surface and groundwater for trace level metals, nutrients, general chemistry, and physical parameters
- Soil, waste rock, sludge, and sediment samples for trace level metals, nutrients, acid generation potential, physical analyses, and leaching tests
- Animal and plant tissue samples for trace level metals and organic contaminates
Our laboratory has specialized sample preparation equipment designed to eliminate metal contamination of the samples during the preparation process. We also perform many physical analyses such as particle size analyses, density, and Atterburg limits, plus leaching and attenuation studies on spent ore and waste rock. Treatability studies on acid mine drainage water for heavy metal removal and sludge characteristics is also performed.
For years we have been providing the mining industry with air, soil, waste rock/spent ore, biological, and solid and hazardous waste analyses. Our service capabilities are comprehensive and related to the following regulatory and mining activities:
- Air quality/dust
- Baseline analyses for environmental impact statements
- Heavy metals bio-uptake in plant and animal tissue
- Leaching and attenuation studies of spent ore, waste rock and soil
- Acid mine drainage treatability studies
- Agronomic soils - chemical, nutrient, and physical analyses
- Acid generation potential of spent ore, waste rock and soil
- Lixiviant analyses
- Long-term waste stream monitoring
- Low-level organic, inorganic and metals analyses
- Reclamation project analyses
- Remediation method development
- Sediment
- Soil and overburden TCLP/SPLP
- Waste characterization
- Wastewater analyses